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A Legacy of Lies and Lost Souls The Russian Revolution at One Hundred Tears


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On November 7,2017, we will acknowledge the one hundredth anniversary of the Russian Revolution. Russia was still using the Julian calendar at the time, so period references show the date as October 25 and thus the historical designation "October Revolution." Regardless, on November 7,1917, Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks toppled the Provisional Government and set out to implement full socialism. As John Reed reported soon thereafter in Ten Days That Shook the World, Lenin took the podium, stared out into the cheering crowd, and simply said, "Now, we will construct socialism" ([1919] 1985, 117). And indeed he tried.
机译:2017年11月7日,我们将纪念俄罗斯革命一百周年。俄罗斯当时仍在使用儒略历,因此时期参考显示该日期为10月25日,因此其历史名称为“十月革命”。无论如何,1917年11月7日,弗拉基米尔·列宁和布尔什维克推翻了临时政府,并开始实行全面的社会主义。正如约翰·里德(John Reed)在随后的《震撼世界的十天》中不久所报道的那样,列宁登上领奖台,凝视着欢呼的人群,并简单地说:“现在,我们将建设社会主义”([1919] 1985,117)。确实他尝试过。



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