首页> 外文期刊>The imaging science journal >Recognition of diffuse liver cirrhosis based on image analysis

Recognition of diffuse liver cirrhosis based on image analysis


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This paper presents non-invasive method for diagnosis of diffuse liver cirrhosis using ultrasound images. There are three main contributions of our detection method. The first contribution of this method is based on selection of multiple regions of interest (ROIs) with dynamic sizes in liver tissue. The use of multiple ROIs significantly achieves low computations that are required to classify the liver. The number of ROIs is variable and is optimised to achieve the best results. Then, simple but efficient features are extracted from each ROI. The second one is to apply a voting classification with use of multiple ROIs. The third one is to optimise the automatic selection of the parameters using the genetic algorithm. The proposed method has a higher performance compared to other research work and the obtained results show that the recognition accuracy is of 80.77%.
机译:本文提出了使用超声图像诊断弥漫性肝硬化的非侵入性方法。我们的检测方法有三个主要贡献。该方法的第一个贡献是基于对肝脏组织中具有动态大小的多个感兴趣区域(ROI)的选择。使用多个ROI可以显着降低肝脏分类所需的计算量。 ROI的数量是可变的,并且已经过优化以获得最佳结果。然后,从每个ROI中提取简单但有效的功能。第二个方法是使用多个ROI应用投票分类。第三个是使用遗传算法优化参数的自动选择。与其他研究工作相比,该方法具有更高的性能,得到的结果表明,该方法的识别精度为80.77%。



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