首页> 外文期刊>Image Processing, IET >Discarding jagged artefacts in image upscaling with total variation regularisation

Discarding jagged artefacts in image upscaling with total variation regularisation


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Image upscaling is needed in many areas. There are two types of methods: methods based on a simple hypothesis and methods based on machine learning. Most of the machine learning-based methods have disadvantages: no support is provided for a variety of upscaling factors, a training process with a high time cost is required, and a large amount of storage space and high-end equipment are required. To avoid the disadvantages of machine learning, upscaling images with a simple hypothesis is a promising strategy but simple hypothesis always produces jaggy artifacts. The authors propose a new method to remove these jagged artifacts. They consider an edge in an image as a deformed curve. Removing jagged artefacts is considered equivalent to shortening the full arc length of a curve. By optimising the regularization model, the severity of the artifacts decreases as the number of iterations increases. They compare nine existing methods on the Set5, Set14, and Urban100 datasets. Without using any external data, the proposed algorithm has high visual quality, has few jagged artefacts and performs similarly to very recent state-of-the-art deep convolutional network-based approaches. Compared to other methods without external data, the proposed algorithm balances the quality and time cost well.



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