首页> 外文期刊>電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 >PCA Based Regional Mutual Information for Robust Medical Image Registration

PCA Based Regional Mutual Information for Robust Medical Image Registration


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Mutual information (MI) has emerged in recent years as an effective similarity metric measuring registration of images. One drawback of MI is that it just takes into account only the relationships between corresponding pixels, that is, the spatial information of images is not utilized. To overcome this problem, regional mutual information (RMI) has been proposed and demonstrated that it effectively includes the spatial information of images and much robust than MI. However, RMI has to spend too much computing time for calculating a high dimension joint distribution. For improvement, we propose a novel PCA based regional mutual information (PRMI) to implement a more robust and faster medical image registration.
机译:互信息(MI)近年来已经出现,它是一种有效的衡量图像配准的相似性指标。 MI的一个缺点是,它仅考虑了相应像素之间的关系,即没有利用图像的空间信息。为了克服这个问题,已经提出了区域互信息(RMI),并证明了该信息可以有效地包含图像的空间信息,并且比MI更健壮。但是,RMI必须花费过多的计算时间来计算高维联合分布。为了改进,我们提出了一种新颖的基于PCA的区域互信息(PRMI),以实现更强大,更快速的医学图像配准。



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