首页> 外文期刊>Professional Communication, IEEE Transactions on >Adapting to Change: Becoming a Learning Organization as a Relief and Development Agency

Adapting to Change: Becoming a Learning Organization as a Relief and Development Agency


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Disaster areas and developing economies put great demands on relief and development personnel to adapt efficiently to fast-changing conditions. We draw on experiences at Mercy Corps and the literature on learning organizations, adaptive expertise, and communities of practice to identify five systemic tensions that need to be balanced when designing effective learning solutions: (1) employees' desire to learn versus the pressures of the job, (2) investing in strategic learning initiatives versus the need to keep organizational operating costs low, (3) formal learning versus informal learning, (4) maintaining flexibility within a local context versus organization-wide standards that create efficiency and accountability, and (5) people versus technology. We offer examples of possible solutions to the individual and organizational learning challenge in relief and development organizations.
机译:灾区和发展中经济体对救灾和发展人员提出了很高的要求,以有效地适应快速变化的条件。我们借鉴Mercy Corps的经验以及有关学习组织,适应性专业知识和实践社区的文献,以确定在设计有效的学习解决方案时需要权衡的五个系统性紧张:(1)员工的学习欲望与压力的压力。工作;(2)投资于战略性学习计划,而不是保持较低的组织运营成本的需要,(3)正式学习与非正式学习,(4)在本地范围内保持灵活性,而不是创建效率和责任制的组织范围标准,以及(5)人与技术。我们提供了救济和发展组织中针对个人和组织学习挑战的可能解决方案的示例。



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