首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters >Hand-Held 3-D Reconstruction of Large-Scale Scene With Kinect Sensors Based on Surfel and Video Sequences

Hand-Held 3-D Reconstruction of Large-Scale Scene With Kinect Sensors Based on Surfel and Video Sequences


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This letter presents a hand-held complex large-scale scene reconstruction method with Kinect sensors based on surfel and video sequences. The feature point method simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is employed to estimate the pose of the camera, and then bundle adjustment by combining 2-D and 3-D feature points is used to optimize camera pose. Also, the surfel model is employed to construct deformation maps for the fusion and optimization of point clouds, and finally, an accurate precise 3-D map can be obtained. The main contribution of this letter is that: 1) by using the SLAM method to obtain camera pose as the initial value of optimization, the problem of insufficient memory and low efficiency of the structure form motion method can be well solved; 2) sparsely textured regions can be reconstructed better by using bundle adjustment by combining 2-D and 3-D feature points; and 3) dense 3-D reconstruction of large scenes can be achieved, and the reconstructed 3-D models are more elaborate. Finally, experimental results show that this proposed method can be applied to a variety of complex large-scale scenes, and can obtain accurate precise 3-D model. This presented 3-D reconstruction method can be widely used in the fields of human–computer interaction, consumer electronics, and virtual reality.
机译:这封信提出了一种基于Kinect传感器的,基于冲浪和视频序列的手持式复杂大规模场景重建方法。使用特征点方法同时定位和映射(SLAM)来估计相机的姿态,然后通过组合2-D和3-D特征点进行束调整来优化相机姿态。另外,利用surfel模型构造变形图以进行点云的融合和优化,最后可以获得精确的精确3-D图。这封信的主要贡献在于:1)通过使用SLAM方法获得相机姿态作为优化的初始值,可以很好地解决结构形式运动方法的内存不足和效率低的问题; 2)通过结合2维和3维特征点进行束调整,可以更好地重建稀疏纹理区域; 3)可以实现大型场景的密集3D重建,重建的3D模型更加精细。最后,实验结果表明,该方法可应用于各种复杂的大型场景,并能获得精确的精确3-D模型。这种提出的3D重建方法可以广泛用于人机交互,消费电子和虚拟现实领域。



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