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Population admixture modulates risk for alcohol dependence


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The admixture of different ancestral populations in America may have important implications for the risk for psychiatric disorders, as it appears to have for other medical disorders. The present study investigated the role of population admixture in risk for several psychiatric disorders in European-Americans (EAs) and African-Americans (AAs). This is a multisite study with 3,792 subjects recruited from across the United States, including 3,119 EAs and 673 AAs. These subjects included healthy controls and those with substance dependence (SD) [including alcohol dependence (AD), cocaine dependence, and opioid dependence], social phobia, affective disorders, and schizophrenia. In addition, DNA was included from 78 West Africans. The degree of admixture for each subject was estimated by analysis of a set of ancestry-informative genetic markers using the program STRUCTURE, and was compared between cases and controls. As noted previously, the degree of admixture in AAs was higher than EAs. In EAs, the degree of admixture (with African ancestry) was significantly lower in patients with SD (mainly AD) than controls (P = 0.009 for SD; P = 0.008 for AD). This finding suggests that population admixture may modulate risk for alcohol dependence. Population admixture might protect against alcohol dependence by increasing average heterozygosity and reducing the risk of deleterious recessive alleles. We cannot exclude the possibility that the results might have been influenced by selection bias due to the multisite nature of the study.
机译:美国不同祖先人群的混合可能会对精神疾病的风险产生重要影响,就像对其他医学疾病一样。本研究调查了人群混合物在欧美人(EAs)和非裔美国人(AAs)的几种精神疾病风险中的作用。这是一项多站点研究,从美国各地招募了3792名受试者,其中包括3119名EA和673名AA。这些受试者包括健康对照者和患有药物依赖(SD)[包括酒精依赖(AD),可卡因依赖和阿片类药物依赖],社交恐惧症,情感障碍和精神分裂症的患者。此外,还包括78名西非人的DNA。通过使用STRUCTURE程序分析一组祖先信息性遗传标记来估计每个受试者的混合程度,并在病例和对照之间进行比较。如前所述,AA中的混合程度高于EA。在EA中,SD患者(主要是AD)的混合程度(具有非洲血统)显着低于对照组(SD为P = 0.009; AD为P = 0.008)。这一发现表明,人群混合可调节酒精依赖的风险。群体混合物可通过增加平均杂合度并减少有害隐性等位基因的风险来预防酒精依赖。由于研究的多地点性质,我们不能排除结果可能受到选择偏见影响的可能性。



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