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Apocalypse Now: The State of Apocalyptic Studies Near the End of the First Decade of the Twenty-First Century


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Apocalyptic studies flourished in the 1970s and early 1980s. This interest probably had something to do with the social and political upheavals of the 1960s and their effects, but I won't go into that issue today. In 1970, Klaus Koch's book Ratlos vor der Apokalyptik was published in Germany. In 1972 it appeared in English under a title more friendly to scholars: The Rediscovery of Apocalyptic. The subtitle, however, preserved the edginess of the original: A Polemical Work on a Neglected Area of Biblical Studies and Its Damaging Effects on Theology and Philosophy.1 My favorite chapter is the one entitled “The Agonized Attempt to Save Jesus from Apocalyptic.” The main title of the English version, as well as the title of the chapter I just mentioned, unfortunately converted a respectable German noun into the substantive use of an adjective with a vague referent
机译:世界末日的研究在1970年代和1980年代初期蓬勃发展。这种兴趣可能与1960年代的社会和政治动荡及其影响有关,但我今天不再讨论这个问题。 1970年,克劳斯·科赫(Klaus Koch)的著作《 Ratlos vor der Apokalyptik》在德国出版。 1972年,它以英语出现在一个对学者更友好的标题下:启示录的重新发现。然而,副标题保留了原著的前瞻性:《圣经研究的被忽视领域上的诗论著作及其对神学和哲学的破坏性影响》。1我最喜欢的一章是题为“为拯救耶稣脱离世界末日而苦恼的尝试”。不幸的是,英语版本的主要标题以及我刚才提到的章节的标题将受人尊敬的德语名词转换为带有模糊指称的形容词的实质使用



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