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The most livable city selection in Turkey with the grey relational analysis


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Purpose - This study has two main objectives: (1) to expand the application areas of grey system theory and (2) to select the most livable city in Turkey. Design/methodology/approach - Choosing the most livable city is a complex problem that requires many criteria to be considered. It is important to select decision points according to which the criteria selection will be made and to what extent the criteria will affect the evaluation. For this purpose, a questionnaire was prepared to determine the criteria to be used in the assessment. The survey results were evaluated by the factor analysis (FA) and it was found that the criteria included in the survey were grouped under seven factors. Then, criteria weights were assigned to the determined criteria using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). At the last stage, Turkey's six most popular cities are graded using the grey relational analysis (GRA) to reduce the uncertainty existing in the process of evaluation. Findings - The obtained results indicated that the most livable city in Turkey is Istanbul. Istanbul is followed by Izmir, Antalya, Eskisehir, Bursa and Ankara, respectively. Considering that Istanbul is a center of attraction in many respects, this result is not a surprise for many people. It is also observed that the results obtained overlap with similar studies in the literature. Originality/value - Grey system theory and grey numbers have not been previously used to select the most livable city. With this aspect, this study has expanded the application of grey system theory and made an important contribution to the literature.
机译:目的 - 本研究有两个主要目标:(1)扩大灰色系统理论的应用领域和(2)选择土耳其最宜居城市。设计/方法/方法 - 选择最宜居城市是一个复杂的问题,需要考虑许多标准。重要的是选择决策点,根据该决策点将进行标准选择以及标准将如何影响评估的程度。为此目的,准备调查问卷以确定评估中使用的标准。调查结果由因子分析(FA)进行评估,发现调查中包含的标准在七个因素下进行分组。然后,使用分析层次结构(AHP)分配标准权重。在最后阶段,土耳其六个最受欢迎的城市使用灰色关系分析(GRA)进行分级,以减少评估过程中存在的不确定性。调查结果 - 所获得的结果表明,土耳其最宜居的城市是伊斯坦布尔。伊斯坦布尔分别是Izmir,安塔利亚,埃斯基尔,Bursa和Ankara。考虑到伊斯坦布尔是许多人的吸引力,这一结果对很多人来说并不是一个惊喜。还观察到,结果在文献中获得了类似的研究重叠。原始性/值 - 灰色系统理论和灰色数字以前未以前用于选择最宜居的城市。在这方面,该研究扩大了灰色系统理论的应用,对文献作出了重要贡献。



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