首页> 外文期刊>Geotechnical testing journal >Multistage Triaxial Testing to Estimate Effective Stress Relationships for Unsaturated Compacted Soils

Multistage Triaxial Testing to Estimate Effective Stress Relationships for Unsaturated Compacted Soils


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This paper presents an experimental methodology for using multistage, drained triaxial tests on compacted soils under unsaturated conditions to estimate soil-specific relationships between mean effective stress and matric suction. Tests were performed by applying a matric suction to a soil specimen in a triaxial cell using the axis translation technique with back-pressure, then shearing the specimen under drained conditions until reaching stress-path tangency. The specimen was then unloaded, a new suction was applied, and the shearing process was repeated. The points of maximum principal stress difference for the unsaturated specimen were plotted versus mean effective stress, defined using the degree of saturation as the effective stress parameter, and they were found to correspond well with the critical state line defined from triaxial tests on saturated specimens. The suction stress for the compacted soil tested in this study was observed to increase nonlinearly with suction, tending toward a constant value with increasing suction. Although there are potential changes in soil structure in the specimen during loading, unloading, and reloading, the results indicate that the multistage testing method may be useful for estimating soil-specific effective stress parameters for compacted soils in unsaturated conditions. Furthermore, the fact that differences in the soil-water retention curve of soil specimens subjected to different net confining pressures were observed for the soil tested in this study emphasizes the importance of using soil-specific tests to validate predictive relationships between suction stress and matric suction.
机译:本文提出了一种在不饱和条件下对压实土壤进行多阶段排水三轴试验的实验方法,以估算平均有效应力与基质吸力之间的土壤比关系。通过使用背压的轴平移技术对三轴单元中的土壤样本施加基质吸力,然后在排水条件下剪切样本直至达到应力路径相切,进行测试。然后卸载样品,施加新的吸力,并重复剪切过程。将不饱和试样的最大主应力差的点与平均有效应力作图,用饱和度作为有效应力参数定义,发现它们与饱和试样的三轴试验定义的临界状态线很好地对应。观察到在本研究中测试的压实土体的吸力应力随吸力呈非线性增加,随吸力增加趋于恒定值。尽管在加载,卸载和重新加载过程中,样品中的土壤结构可能会发生变化,但结果表明,多阶段测试方法可能有助于估算非饱和条件下压实土壤的特定土壤有效应力参数。此外,在本研究中观察到的土壤在不同净围压下的土壤持水曲线存在差异,这一事实强调了使用土壤特异性试验来验证吸力与基质吸力之间的预测关系的重要性。 。



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