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Phenotypic Heterogeneity in Patients with Gaucher Disease and the N370S/V394L Genotype

机译:Gaucher病和N370S / V394L基因型患者的表型异质性

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Correlation between genotype and phenotype in Gaucher disease is limited. It is known that the most common mutation N370S is protective of neurological involvement, but for the V394L mutation, described as the fifth most common among Ashkenazi Jews, little data are available. This study reports all known patients from a large referral clinic and from the international registry with Gaucher disease who are documented to have the N370S/V394L genotype. Of 476 patients in the Gaucher Clinic, 7 patients (2.0%) had the N370S/V394L genotype; of 2,836 patients in the registry, there were 14 patients (0.8%) with this genotype. There was an overlap of 3 patients, making a total of 18 patients, reflecting the rarity of this genotype among the studied cohorts. Most of these patients had mild disease; only 8 patients required specific enzyme therapy, none was splenectomized. Only 3 patients had skeletal involvement, but other baseline parameters were very diverse. Although genotype-phenotype correlation in this case may be difficult, because the V394L mutation when seen in a compound heterozygote with a null allele results in neuronopathic disease, one cannot conclude that this mutation is protective of neuronopathic disease and hence this is important for counseling of at-risk populations.
机译:高雪氏病的基因型和表型之间的相关性是有限的。众所周知,最常见的突变N370S具有保护神经功能的作用,但对于被描述为Ashkenazi犹太人中第五常见的V394L突变,目前尚无数据。这项研究报告了来自大型转诊诊所和国际登记册中有关高雪氏病的所有已知患者,这些患者均被证明具有N370S / V394L基因型。在Gaucher诊所的476例患者中,有7例(2.0%)具有N370S / V394L基因型。在注册表中的2836名患者中,有14名(0.8%)具有该基因型。有3名患者重叠,总共18名患者,反映出该基因型在研究的人群中非常罕见。这些患者大多数患有轻度疾病。只有8例患者需要特殊的酶疗法,没有一例被脾切除。只有3例患者有骨骼受累,但其他基线参数差异很大。尽管在这种情况下可能难以实现基因型与表型的相关性,因为在具有无效等位基因的复合杂合子中观察到V394L突变会导致神经性病变,但不能得出结论认为该突变对神经性病变具有保护作用,因此这对于指导心理疾病很重要。高危人群。



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