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The experience of women corporate inside directors on the boards of Fortune 1,000 firms

机译:在《财富》 1000强公司董事会中女性公司内部董事的经验

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Inside directors are executives who hold the dual roles of officers of the firm and corporate board members. Six women inside directors from Fortune 1,000 corporations were interviewed for this exploratory study. Through systematic coding of the interviews, two independent dimensions of influence and inclusion emerged as the critical factors that enhance or restrict the performance and contributions of women at the top of corporations. Three sub-themes characterized women inside directors' influence: their role in the board's decision making, the bases of influence, and influence strategies used. Three sub-themes characterized the inclusion dynamics experienced by women inside directors: support and acceptance, exclusion, and the nature of the advice they received. Conclusions are drawn regarding the convergence of the influence and inclusion dynamics for women to function most effectively at the top of corporations.
机译:内部董事是执行官,兼任公司高管和公司董事会成员的双重角色。这项探索性研究采访了六位来自《财富》 1000强公司董事内部的女性。通过对访谈的系统编码,影响和包容的两个独立维度出现,成为增强或限制公司高层女性绩效和贡献的关键因素。女性在董事影响力中的三个子主题是:她们在董事会决策中的角色,影响力的基础以及所采用的影响力策略。妇女在董事内部的包容动态分为三个子主题:支持和接受,排斥以及她们所获得建议的性质。结论是,影响力和包容性动态趋于一致,使妇女在公司高层最有效地发挥作用。



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