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Analogizing Hutton's quasi-uniformities for complete lattices and extending Shi's quasi-uniformities to closed set lattices


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This paper gives analogies of Hutton's quasi-uniformities for complete lattices and extensions of Shi's pointwise quasi-uniformities to closed set lattices. CL_(GOH) denotes the category of all complete lattices with generalized order homomorphisms as morphisms and CSL the category of all closed set lattices. HQUnif and SPQUnif denote the categories of Hutton quasi-uniform spaces on complete lattices and Shi pointwise quasi-uniform spaces on closed set lattices, respectively. We prove that both HQUnif and SPQUnif are fibre-complete topological categories over CL_(GOH) and CSL with respect to the expected forgetful functors, respectively. Also, a mistake in W. Kotze [Uniform spaces, in: U. Hoehle, S.E. Rodabaugh (Eds.), Mathematics of Fuzzy Sets: Logic, Topology, and Measure Theory, The Handbooks of Fuzzy Sets Series, Vol. 3, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Dordrecht, London, 1999, pp. 553-580] is pointed out.
机译:本文给出了完整格的Hutton拟均匀性的类比,以及Shi的点向拟均匀性向闭集格的扩展。 CL_(GOH)将具有广义阶同态的所有完整晶格的类别表示为态,将CSL表示所有封闭集晶格的类别。 HQUnif和SPQUnif分别表示完整格上的Hutton拟均匀空间和闭合集格上的Shi点式拟均匀空间的类别。我们证明,相对于预期的健忘函子,HQUnif和SPQUnif分别是CL_(GOH)和CSL上的光纤完全拓扑类别。另外,W。Kotze [统一空间,U。Hoehle,S.E. Rodabaugh(编),模糊集的数学:逻辑,拓扑和测度理论,模糊集系列手册,第1卷。 3,指出了Kluwer Academic Publishers,波士顿,多德雷赫特,伦敦,1999,第553-580页。



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