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A new approach to solve hybrid flow shop scheduling problems by artificial immune system


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Artificial immune system (AIS) is an intelligent problem-solving technique that has been used in scheduling problems for about 10 years. AIS are computational systems inspired by theoretical immunology, observed immune functions, principles and mechanisms in order to solve problems. In this research, a computational method based on clonal selection principle and affinity maturation mechanism of the immune response is used. The n-job, k-stage hybrid flow shop problem is one of the general production scheduling problems. Hybrid flow shop (HFS) problems are NP-Hard when the objective is to minimize the makespan [Two-stage hybrid flowshop scheduling problem, Oper. Res. Soc. 39 (1988) 359]. The research deals with the criterion of makespan minimization for the HFS scheduling problems. The operating parameters of meta-heuristics have an important role on the quality of the solution. In this paper we present a generic systematic procedure which is based on a multi-step experimental design approach for determining the optimum system parameters of AIS. AIS algorithm is tested with benchmark problems. Experimental results show that the artificial immune system algorithm is an effective and efficient method for solving HFS problems. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:人工免疫系统(AIS)是一种智能的问题解决技术,已被用于计划问题约10年。 AIS是受理论免疫学,观察到的免疫功能,原理和机制启发以解决问题的计算系统。在这项研究中,使用了一种基于克隆选择原理和免疫应答亲和力成熟机制的计算方法。 n作业,k阶段混合流水车间问题是一般生产计划问题之一。混合流水车间(HFS)问题是NP-Hard,其目标是最小化制造期[两阶段混合流水车间调度问题,Oper。 Res。 Soc。 39(1988)359]。该研究涉及针对HFS调度问题的制造期最小化准则。元启发式方法的操作参数对解决方案的质量具有重要作用。在本文中,我们提出了一种通用的系统程序,该程序基于多步实验设计方法来确定AIS的最佳系统参数。 AIS算法经过基准测试。实验结果表明,人工免疫系统算法是解决HFS问题的有效途径。 (C)2004 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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