首页> 外文期刊>Future generation computer systems >Performance test and analysis for an adaptive load balancing mechanism on distributed server cluster systems

Performance test and analysis for an adaptive load balancing mechanism on distributed server cluster systems


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As the next generation of Internet services requires more highly scalable and available server systems, the cost-effective cluster of a large number of distributed computers becomes a popular solution. In this paper, we investigate to design and develop a server load balancing mechanism on cluster architecture, called the ALBM cluster. In order to construct the more scalable and reliable Internet service system, the ALBM cluster system consists of independent but co-operable components. The ALBM cluster system supports adaptive load balancing among servers via its adaptive load balancer (ALB) component in Layer 4 level and Layer 7 level. The Management Station (M-Station) and the Administrator Console are in charge of cluster management, system configuration management, and performance counter management. The Node Service is a system-level agent that is deployed into a server node. The node management and cluster management are the major tasks of the agent. Beside, the ALBM cluster is a flexible open system whose features of functionality can change or be easily expanded without affecting the rest of the system. In this paper, we also present a set of our experimental results to compare the performance of the ALBM cluster with that of LVS scheduling cluster system. We compare performance results of the ALBM with RR, LC, and WLC scheduling algorithms of a LVS cluster in both of homogeneous and heterogeneous system environments.
机译:由于下一代Internet服务需要更高的可扩展性和可用性的服务器系统,因此具有成本效益的大量分布式计算机群集成为一种流行的解决方案。在本文中,我们研究设计和开发基于群集架构的服务器负载平衡机制,称为ALBM群集。为了构建更具扩展性和可靠性的Internet服务系统,ALBM群集系统由独立但可协作的组件组成。 ALBM集群系统通过第4层和第7层的自适应负载均衡器(ALB)组件支持服务器之间的自适应负载均衡。管理站(M-Station)和管理员控制台负责群集管理,系统配置管理和性能计数器管理。节点服务是部署到服务器节点中的系统级代理。节点管理和集群管理是代理程序的主要任务。此外,ALBM集群是一个灵活的开放系统,其功能特征可以更改或轻松扩展,而不会影响系统的其余部分。在本文中,我们还提供了一组实验结果,以比较ALBM集群与LVS调度集群系统的性能。我们将ALBM的性能结果与LVS集群的RR,LC和WLC调度算法在同类和异构系统环境中进行比较。



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