首页> 外文期刊>食品衛生学雑誌 >Studies on Optical Isomerism of Astaxanthin in Natural Food Colors and Principal Pigment in Phaffia Color

Studies on Optical Isomerism of Astaxanthin in Natural Food Colors and Principal Pigment in Phaffia Color


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Chemical forms of astaxanthin in natural food colors were investigated. First, the principal pigment of phaffia color was elucidated by HPLC and LC/APCI-MS. It was revealed to be unesterified astaxanthin, as described in the list of existing food additives. Then, optical isomer- ism of astaxanthin in three natural food colors that contain astaxanthin in the structures of the principal pigments was studied by HPLC with a chiral column. In phaffia color, saponified haematococcus algae color, and saponified krill color, astaxanthin was present as the (3R, 3'R), (3S, 3'S), and (3R, 3'R) forms, respectively.
机译:研究了天然食用色素中虾青素的化学形式。首先,通过HPLC和LC / APCI-MS阐明了酒椰色的主要色素。如现有食品添加剂清单中所述,它是未酯化的虾青素。然后,用手性柱通过HPLC研究了三种天然食用色素中虾青素的旋光异构体,这些色素在主要色素的结构中包含虾青素。在棕发色,​​皂化血球菌藻色和磷虾色皂色中,虾青素分别以(3R,3'R),(3S,3'S)和(3R,3'R)形式存在。



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