首页> 外文期刊>Food Chemistry >Prediction of beef quality attributes from early post mortem near infrared reflectance spectra

Prediction of beef quality attributes from early post mortem near infrared reflectance spectra


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The potential of predicting beef quality attributes after ageing from early post mortem near infrared (NIR) reflectance spectro- scopy (ll00-2500 nm) has been studied. Altogether, l27 hot boned, Longl1vsimus dorsi muscles from both bulls and cows were investigated in two separate studies. 36 of these carcasses were low voltage electrically stimulated. NlR recordings were obtained 2 30 h post mortem on fresh, sliced loin, while the quality assessments were performed after 2 or 7 days ageing at 4 deg C on frozen/ thawed beef Spectral changes during rigor mortis were not related to the ageing potential of the individua1 loin samples. Predicting final tenderness from NIR spectra recorded at different post mortem times yielded predictive models. However, the multivariate correlation coefficients of the models were relatively low, for example, Warner Bratzler (WB) shear press measurements ranged from 0.47 to 0.55. Making separate prediction models based on genders yielded models for WB shear press with correlation coefficients up to 0.68. Prediction from sensory tenderness gave prediction models with lower correlation coefficients. Intramuscular fat content in intact meat was predicted with correlation coefficients of 0.78-0.85, and prediction errors (RMSEP) of l.2-l.4/100. The results obtained in this study do not support that early post mortem NlR spectroscopy can be used as precise predictor of final tenderness.
机译:已经研究了从死后早期近红外(NIR)反射光谱法(ll00-2500 nm)预测老化后牛肉质量属性的潜力。在两项单独的研究中,共对来自公牛和母牛的27条热骨骼,背长背最长肌进行了研究。这些尸体中有36个被低压电刺激。死后2小时在新鲜的腰肉切片上获得NlR记录,而质量评估是在冷冻/解冻的牛肉在4摄氏度下老化2或7天后进行的。个人里脊肉样本。根据在不同验尸时间记录的NIR光谱预测最终的柔软度,可得出预测模型。但是,模型的多元相关系数相对较低,例如,Warner Bratzler(WB)剪切压力测量值的范围为0.47至0.55。根据性别建立单独的预测模型可得出相关系数高达0.68的WB剪压机模型。根据感觉压痛进行的预测给出了具有较低相关系数的预测模型。预测完整肉中肌内脂肪含量的相关系数为0.78-0.85,预测误差(RMSEP)为1-2-1.4 / 100。在这项研究中获得的结果并不支持早期验尸NlR光谱可以用作最终压痛的精确预测指标。



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