首页> 外文期刊>Financial history review >Paolo Mauro, Nathan Sussman and Yishay Yafeh, Emerging Markets and Financial Globalization: Sovereign Bond Spreads in 1870-1913 and Today (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006, 200 pp. ,£40)

Paolo Mauro, Nathan Sussman and Yishay Yafeh, Emerging Markets and Financial Globalization: Sovereign Bond Spreads in 1870-1913 and Today (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006, 200 pp. ,£40)

机译:Paolo Mauro,Nathan Sussman和Yishay Yafeh,《新兴市场和金融全球化:主权债券利差在1870-1913年和今天》(牛津:牛津大学出版社,2006年,200页,40英镑)

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Much of the past historical research on sovereign debt markets has focused mainly on their primary market functions, in particular how access to markets or sovereign defaults are determined. A new book by economists Paulo Mauro, Nathan Sussman and Yishay Yafeh is a first serious attempt to explore and analyse the secondary markets in sovereign debt. The authors do this by comparing two large markets in history where such loans were traded.
机译:过去有关主权债务市场的许多历史研究主要集中在其主要市场功能上,尤其是如何确定市场准入或主权违约的方式。经济学家Paulo Mauro,Nathan Sussman和Yishay Yafeh的新书是探索和分析主权债务二级市场的第一次认真尝试。作者通过比较历史上交易此类贷款的两个大型市场来做到这一点。



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