首页> 外文期刊>The European journal of finance >Trapped in diversification - another look at the risk of fund of hedge funds

Trapped in diversification - another look at the risk of fund of hedge funds

机译:被困在多样化 - 另一种观察对冲基金的风险

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Recent literature implies that despite being more diversified, fund of hedge funds (FOFs) are exposed to tail risk. We propose an explanation for this phenomenon; tail risk is a systematic risk factor for hedge funds, which by construction, explains the higher portion of the returns in the diversified portfolios. Our study suggests that not only an additional tail risk factor improves the explanatory power of the factor model, the relative importance of tail risk factor increases with the number of underlying hedge funds in an FOF portfolio. Furthermore, we demonstrate that FOFs with a short history, higher management fees, leverage and requiring shorter lockup periods are more sensitive to tail risk.



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