首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Control >Linear and Non-linear System ldentification Using Separable Least-Squares

Linear and Non-linear System ldentification Using Separable Least-Squares


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We demonstrate how the separable least-squares technique of Golub and Pereyra can be exploited in the identipcation of both linear and non-linear systems based on the prediction error formulation. The model classes to be considered here are the output error model and innovations model in the linear case and the Wiener system in the non-linear case. This technique together with a suitable choice of parametrisation allow us to solve, in the linear case, the associated optimisation problem using only np parameters instead of the usual n(m + p) + mp parameters when canonical forms are used, where n, m and p denote respectively the number of states, inputs and outputs, We also prove under certain assumptions that the separable optimisation method is numerically better conditioned than its non-separable counterpart. Successful operations of these identification algorithms are demonsirated by applying them to two sets of indusirial dam an industrial dryer in the linear case and a highpurity distillation column in the non-linear case.
机译:我们演示了如何基于预测误差公式,在线性和非线性系统的识别中利用Golub和Pereyra的可分离最小二乘技术。这里要考虑的模型类别是线性情况下的输出误差模型和创新模型,以及非线性情况下的Wiener系统。这项技术与适当的参数选择方法一起使用,可以使我们在线性情况下使用典范形式时仅使用np个参数而不是通常的n(m + p)+ mp个参数来解决相关的优化问题,其中n,m p和p分别表示状态,输入和输出的数量,我们还证明了在某些假设下,可分离的优化方法在数值上比其不可分离的优化方法条件更好。这些识别算法的成功运行通过将其应用于两组工业坝上:线性情况下的工业干燥机和非线性情况下的高纯度蒸馏塔。



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