首页> 外文期刊>European intellectual property review >To Whom Would the Courts Give a Whole Lotta Love? English Copyright Law and the Blues: A Case Study of the 'Whole Lotta Love' Authorship Dispute

To Whom Would the Courts Give a Whole Lotta Love? English Copyright Law and the Blues: A Case Study of the 'Whole Lotta Love' Authorship Dispute

机译:法院会给谁一个完整的Lotta爱?英国版权法与忧郁症:“ Whole Lotta Love”著作权纠纷案例研究

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As part of an out-of-court settlement, the blues songwriter Willie Dixon received credit as co-writer of the Led Zeppelin song "Whole Lotta Love". We do not have the benefit of a court decision on the matter, as is the norm with music authorship cases. The law of copyright is founded on principles that reward "originality" and punish copying. An attempt to fit an art form like the blues, which focusses heavily on re-interpretation, into this framework would provide insights into the relevance and value of copyright law.
机译:作为庭外和解的一部分,布鲁斯歌曲创作者威利·迪克森(Willie Dixon)作为齐柏林飞船(Led Zeppelin)歌曲《全罗塔·爱(Whole Lotta Love)》的合著者而受到赞誉。与音乐著作权案件的规范不同,我们对此案没有法院判决的好处。版权法建立在奖励“原创性”和惩罚复制的原则之上。尝试将像布鲁斯这样的艺术形式(主要侧重于重新诠释)融入该框架中,将提供对版权法的相关性和价值的见解。



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