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Enhancing social capital for sustainable coastal development: Is satoumi the answer?


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Social capital constitutes the cultural component of modern societies. Building social capital has typically been seen as a task for 'second generation' economic reform, but unlike economic policies and institutions, social capital is not created or shaped by public policy but is inherited throughout local communities successive generations. Enhancing social capital therefore is about promoting local knowledge deeply rooted into local communities' practices on land and at sea. In Japan, the culturally specific interaction of humans with nature has led to the emergence of specific socio-ecosystems called 'satoyama' on the land side and 'satoumi' on the coast and sea side. Here, characteristics of related local knowledge include information about consumed products like wild edible plants or seaweeds, and learning by doing practices like traditional rice cultivation or sea ranching. This knowledge has been developed over centuries and has been handed down from generation to generation. There are actually other types of satoyama and satoumi which have been flourishing around the world though the latter (satoumi) probably has no equivalent in other countries' coastal areas because of the unique Japanese fishing rights system. First largely ignored as a social capital, satoumi has emerged as a new concept only a few years ago. In the frame of the recently adopted national ocean policy such a social capital, like it may be found in other countries, should not be ignored when addressing integrated coastal zone management processes and tools for the sake of sustainable coastal development in Japan and elsewhere in the world.
机译:社会资本构成了现代社会的文化组成部分。建设社会资本通常被视为“第二代”经济改革的任务,但与经济政策和制度不同,社会资本不是由公共政策创造或塑造的,而是在地方社区的后代继承的。因此,增强社会资本是要促进深深植根于当地社区在陆地和海上实践中的当地知识。在日本,人类与自然之间在文化上特定的相互作用导致了特定的社会生态系统的出现,在陆地一侧称为“ satoyama”,而在沿海和海上则称为“ satoumi”。在这里,当地相关知识的特征包括有关食用产品(如野生食用植物或海藻)的信息,以及通过进行传统稻米种植或海上放牧等活动进行学习。这些知识已经发展了多个世纪,并世代相传。实际上,世界上还有其他种类的佐山和佐渡,尽管由于日本独特的捕鱼权制度,后者(佐渡)在其他国家的沿海地区可能无法与之媲美。 satoumi最初被广泛忽略为社会资本,仅在几年前才出现为新概念。在最近通过的国家海洋政策框架中,为解决日本及日本其他地区的可持续沿海发展问题而处理沿海地区综合管理程序和工具时,不应忽略这种社会资本,就像在其他国家可能会发现的那样。世界。



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