首页> 外文期刊>Environmetrics >Planning of factorial experiments with one control treatment in a block design with nested rows and columns for environmental research

Planning of factorial experiments with one control treatment in a block design with nested rows and columns for environmental research


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We presented principles for the planning of factorial experiments concerned with protection of the environment, carried out on heterogeneous experimental material or, for example, in the case of non-uniform or, particularly, low levels of disease or pest infection. A block design with nested rows and columns (NRC) is proposed. We supposed that there are a levels of experimental factor A and b levels of experimental factor B. Hence ab experimental combinations and one control treatment are applied to experimental units. We assumed a mixed linear model resulting from randomization of blocks, rows and columns. We proposed stratum analysis and obtained the efficiency factors of estimation of treatment contrasts in the strata. We described a NRC design having certain properties. We considered type S designs, designs possessing C-property and presented constructions of type S NRC designs and NRC designs possessing C-property. A necessary and sufficient condition is obtained for a type S NRC design to be design possessing C-property.



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