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Participation(s) in Transnational Environmental Governance: Green Values Versus Instrumental Use


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As crucial elements of green ideology, political participation and inclusiveness have become indispensable to democratic decision-making as green values gained ground across the world. It is often assumed that through the inclusion and participation of more stakeholders, the globalenvironmental governance architecture has become increasingly democratic since the 1990s. This article asks whether civil society participation in the relevant United Nations platforms democratises transnational and global environmental governance, or simply simulates democratic participationwithout giving stakeholders the chance to contribute to policy decisions. First, building on Hannah Arendt's concept of political action I differentiate forms of participation based on different value systems. Then, following the historical development of participation narratives in the UnitedNations, I argue that participation has become increasingly instrumentalised and used to conceal other types of institutional change based on efficiency considerations and neoliberal values.
机译:作为绿色意识形态的关键要素,随着绿色价值观在世界范围内逐渐普及,政治参与和包容性已成为民主决策必不可少的要素。人们通常认为,通过更多利益相关者的参与和参与,自1990年代以来,全球环境治理架构已变得越来越民主。本文询问公民社会参与相关的联合国平台是否使跨国和全球环境治理民主化,还是仅仅模拟民主参与而没有给利益相关者提供机会来做出决策。首先,基于汉娜·阿伦特(Hannah Arendt)的政治行为概念,我基于不同的价值体系来区分参与形式。然后,随着联合国参与叙事的历史发展,我认为参与已经变得越来越有用,并被用来基于效率考虑和新自由主义价值观来掩盖其他类型的制度变革。



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