首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Science & Technology >Predicting Fine-Scale Daily NO_2 for 2005-2016 Incorporating OMI Satellite Data Across Switzerland

Predicting Fine-Scale Daily NO_2 for 2005-2016 Incorporating OMI Satellite Data Across Switzerland


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Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) remains an important traffic-related pollutant associated with both short- and long-term health effects. We aim to model daily average NO2 concentrations in Switzerland in a multistage framework with mixed-effect and random forest models to respectively downscale satellite measurements and incorporate local sources. Spatial and temporal predictor variables include data from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument, Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service, land use, and meteorological variables. We derived robust models explaining similar to 58% (R-2 range, 0.56-0.64) of the variation in measured NO2 concentrations using mixed-effect models at a 1 X 1 km resolution. The random forest models explained similar to 73% (R-2 range, 0.70-0.75) of the overall variation in the residuals at a 100 x 100 m resolution. This is one of the first studies showing the potential of using earth observation data to develop robust models with fine-scale spatial (100 x 100 m) and temporal (daily) variation of NO2 across Switzerland from 2005 to 2016. The novelty of this study is in demonstrating that methods originally developed for particulate matter can also successfully be applied to NO2. The predicted NO2 concentrations will be made available to facilitate health research in Switzerland.
机译:二氧化氮(NO2)仍然是与交通有关的重要污染物,与短期和长期健康影响有关。我们的目标是在多阶段框架下利用混合效应模型和随机森林模型对瑞士的日均NO2浓度进行建模,以分别缩小卫星测量的规模并纳入本地资源。时空预测变量包括来自臭氧监测仪器,哥白尼大气监测局,土地利用和气象变量的数据。我们导出了健壮的模型,使用混合效应模型以1 X 1 km的分辨率解释了类似的58%(R-2范围,0.56-0.64)的NO2浓度变化。随机森林模型解释了在100 x 100 m分辨率下残差总体变化的73%(R-2范围,0.70-0.75)。这是最早的一项研究,显示了从2005年到2016年瑞士使用地球观测数据开发具有NO2的精细尺度空间(100 x 100 m)和时间(每日)变化的鲁棒模型的潜力。这项研究的新颖性这表明最初为颗粒物开发的方法也可以成功应用于NO2。将提供预测的NO2浓度,以促进瑞士的健康研究。



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