首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Pollution >Geographical and pedological drivers of distribution and risks to soil fauna of seven metals (Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb, V and Zn) in British soils

Geographical and pedological drivers of distribution and risks to soil fauna of seven metals (Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb, V and Zn) in British soils


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Concentrations of seven metals were measured in over 1000 samples as part of an integrated survey. Sixteen metal pairs were significantly positively correlated. Cluster analysis identified two clusters. Metals from the largest (Cr, Cu, Ni, V, Zn), but not the smallest (Cd, Pb) cluster were significantly negatively correlated with spatial location and soil pH and organic matter content. Cd and Pb were not correlated with these parameters, due possibly to the masking effect of recent extensive release. Analysis of trends with soil properties in different habitats indicated that general trends may not necessarily be applicable to all areas. A risk assessment indicated that Zn poses the most widespread direct risk to soil fauna and Cd the least. Any risks associated with high metal concentrations are, however, likely to be greatest in habitats such as arable and horticultural, improved grassland and built up areas where soil metal concentrations are more frequently elevated.
机译:作为综合调查的一部分,在1000多个样品中测量了7种金属的浓度。 16对金属显着正相关。聚类分析确定了两个聚类。来自最大(Cr,Cu,Ni,V,Zn)簇的金属,而不是来自最小(Cd,Pb)簇的金属,与空间位置,土壤pH和有机质含量显着负相关。镉和铅与这些参数不相关,可能是由于最近大量释放的掩盖作用。对不同生境中土壤特性的趋势进行的分析表明,一般趋势不一定适用于所有地区。风险评估表明,锌对土壤动物的直接危害最大,而镉的危害最小。但是,与高浓度金属有关的任何风险在诸如耕地和园艺,改良的草地以及土壤金属浓度更经常升高的建筑区域等栖息地中最大。



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