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Liquid Gold or Water for Pecans? Valuation of Groundwater in Regulatory Takings Law


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Texas overwhelmingly depends on its groundwater to meet current and future growth. Day's creation of absolute ownership of groundwater property rights in situ cannot be construed to preclude management of Texas' aquifers for the common good of urban, rural, and industrial water use. Clearly, some reform is needed. In the context of this Comment, one reform begins with the proper use of standard economic tools to value the managed water at stake. With values correctly established, an omniscient judge might achieve that elusive balancing of private property and public good in Justice William J. Brennan's Penn Central opinion. But if the values are wrong to begin with, future water supplies for the people of Texas may prove to be as ephemeral as the Colorado River as it disappears into Mexico.
机译:德克萨斯州非常依赖其地下水来满足当前和未来的增长。 Day在原地建立地下水产权的绝对所有权不能被解释为排除了得克萨斯含水层的管理,以实现城市,农村和工业用水的共同利益。显然,需要进行一些改革。在本评论的背景下,一项改革始于正确使用标准经济工具来评估所管理的水资源的价值。通过正确确立价值观,无所不知的法官可能会在威廉·J·布伦南大法官的宾大中心(Penn Central)意见中实现私有财产与公共物品之间难以捉摸的平衡。但是,如果一开始的价值观是错误的,得克萨斯州人民的未来水供应可能会像科罗拉多河一样短暂,因为它消失在墨西哥。



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