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Working Landscapes: The Future of Land Use Policy?


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The history of land use in the American West has traditionally been one of conflict, but the divisive relationships between ranchers, foresters, land management agencies, recreational users, and conservationists are transforming. Grassroots coalitions have developed among unlikely allies. Together, they are advocating for management approaches that incorporate local knowledge, community needs, and sound environmental stewardship. This "collaborative conservation" is especially appropriate for promoting the conservation of working forests and rangelands, which are critical for maintaining the ecological and economic health of rural communities and landscapes in the American West. Recognizing this revolution in land management, a group of scholars, agency staff, landowners and managers, and leaders of community-based conservation groups compiled case studies, thoughtful observations, and policy recommendations in a new book, Stitching the West Back Together. On December 8, 2014, the editors of the book and stakeholder group representatives convened at an Environmental Law Institute seminar to provide a dynamic overview of the issues. Below we present a transcript of the event, which has been edited for style, clarity, and space considerations.
机译:传统上,美国西部的土地使用历史一直是冲突之一,但是牧场主,林务员,土地管理机构,娱乐使用者和保护主义者之间的分裂关系正在发生变化。在不太可能的盟友之间已经建立了基层联盟。他们一起倡导结合当地知识,社区需求和良好环境管理的管理方法。这种“协作式保护”特别适合于促进对工作森林和牧场的保护,这对于维持美国西部农村社区和景观的生态和经济健康至关重要。认识到土地管理的这一革命,一群学者,机构工作人员,土地所有者和管理者以及社区保护团体的领导人在新书《重新合缝西部》中汇编了案例研究,周到的观察和政策建议。 2014年12月8日,该书的编辑和利益相关者团体的代表在环境法研究所的一次研讨会上开会,对问题进行了动态介绍。下面,我们提供了该活动的成绩单,出于风格,清晰度和空间考虑,已对其进行了编辑。



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