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Wearable technology aids patient diagnostics


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For healthcare providers, accurate diagnosis and treatment depends on a clear and continuous picture of an individual's health, something that can't be achieved with infrequent tests carried out in doctors' surgeries. These at best offer just a static snapshot of an individual's ever-changing health. For the patient, regular surgery visits or dealing with medical equipment installed in the home becomes disruptive and too often translates into non-compliance with health treatment plans. The possibility to review health data remotely through wearables promises measurable improvements in healthcare. According to the international Groupe Speciale Mobile Association (GSMA), a study of patients in the USA with chronic heart failure found that remotely monitored patients had fewer and shorter hospital stays than a control group, while a separate study noted that remote monitoring of patients with chronic heart failure could reduce re-hospitalisations by as much as 72%. Like the GSMA, the Continua Health Alliance, a not-for-profit industry organisation of healthcare and technology companies, sees remote monitoring - "telehealth" - as a key enabler needed to address the skyrocketing spending on chronic disease.
机译:对于医疗保健提供者而言,准确的诊断和治疗取决于对个人健康状况的清晰,连续的了解,而在医生的手术中进行不频繁的检查是无法实现的。这些充其量只能提供一个人不断变化的健康状况的静态快照。对于患者而言,定期进行外科手术或在家中安装医疗设备会造成破坏性影响,并且常常转化为不遵守健康治疗计划的情况。通过可穿戴设备远程查看健康数据的可能性有望在医疗保健方面带来可观的改善。根据国际特殊群体移动协会(GSMA)的一项研究,在美国对患有慢性心力衰竭的患者进行的研究发现,与对照组相比,远程监测的患者住院时间更少且更短,而另一项研究指出,对患有慢性心力衰竭的患者进行远程监测慢性心力衰竭可将住院治疗减少多达72%。与GSMA一样,康体保健联盟(Continua Health Alliance)是一家非营利性的医疗保健和技术公司行业组织,将远程监控(“ telehealth”)视为解决在慢性病方面飞速增长的支出的关键推动力。



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