首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Engineering Science >Improving Environmental Health Practice and Policy Through Convergence Research: A Case Study of Linked Food–Water Systems Enhancing Child Health

Improving Environmental Health Practice and Policy Through Convergence Research: A Case Study of Linked Food–Water Systems Enhancing Child Health


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Promoting access to safe drinking water or access to nutritious food, each independently contribute uniquely to positive gains in human health. Nexus analysis-a systems-based approach to study interconnection and interdependence-provides a framework to expose interactions and interventions in linked food-water systems. Interactions result in unintentional changes in efficacy or toxicity creating poorer-than-expected health outcomes while synergistic interventions targeting both "water, sanitation, and hygiene" as well as "food security, nutrition, and safety" yield greater-than-anticipated improvements in health and wellness. Herein, we describe a case study of linked food-water systems, where discovery, integration, application, and the scholarship of teaching and learning, collectively enhanced child health through convergence research-a transdisciplinary approach to solve a compelling and specific problem. The method integrates five techniques predominant in the field of health care, including: (1) community-based participatory research, (2) structured reviews, (3) mixed methods, (4) structural equation modeling, and (5) interprofessional education-at multiple study sites in east Africa, Guatemala, Brazil, and South Africa. The compelling problem explored is, "the lack of an overarching framework to achieve improvements in interdisciplinary environmental health practice and policy," to ultimately solve specific problems such as, "the eradication of childhood stunting." Results demonstrate that convergence research improves environmental health practice and policy by exposing insights to be measured, validated, and disseminated.
机译:促进获得安全饮用水或营养食品的途径,每一项都各自独立地对人类健康的积极贡献做出了独特贡献。 Nexus分析(一种基于系统的方法来研究相互联系和相互依存)提供了一个框架,以揭示相联系的食物-水系统中的相互作用和干预措施。相互作用会导致功效或毒性的意外变化,从而使健康结果差于预期,而针对“水,环境卫生和个人卫生”以及“食品安全,营养和安全”的协同干预所产生的效果却超过预期。预期的健康和改善。在这里,我们描述了一个联系食品-水系统的案例研究,其中发现,整合,应用和教与学的奖学金通过融合研究(一种跨学科的方法来解决一个引人注目的具体问题)共同增强了儿童的健康。该方法整合了卫生保健领域的五种主要技术,包括:(1)基于社区的参与性研究,(2)结构化评论,(3)混合方法,(4)结构方程模型和(5)专业间教育-在东非,危地马拉,巴西和南非的多个研究地点。探索的引人注目的问题是,“缺乏跨学科环境卫生实践和政策的总体框架,无法最终解决特定问题,例如,消除童年发育迟缓。”结果表明,融合研究通过暴露要测量,验证和传播的见识来改善环境卫生实践和政策。



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