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The privatization of neighborhood governance and the production of urban space


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A pivotal innovation in the production of urban space has been the rise of privately governed neighborhoods overseen by homeowners associations (HOAs). One in every five American households resides in an HOA neighborhood regulated by conditions, covenants, and restrictions amounting to what has been referred to as a "quiet revolution" of urban politics. Their proliferation across cities warrants greater attention as they signify the transformation of state-civil society relations whereby nonstate entities are increasingly important actors in shaping the terrain of citizenship. HOAs are granted broad powers by the state and have profound effects on homeowners' experiences of everyday life through regulations that generate neighborhood space. This article examines the different modalities of governance deployed by HOAs to shape homeowner participation in producing a certain yard aesthetic, namely the lawn. While the lawn is a dominant cultural landscape in the United States, we find that homeowners in privately governed neighborhoods report a greater commitment to producing a lush, green, well-manicured lawn and apply higher rates of fertilizer to their yards than households in nonprivately governed neighborhoods. Although HOAs exercise power by directly regulating homeowners' spatial practices, they also govern indirectly by holding out the possibility of a sense of place and belonging that is connected to the production of aestheticized and commoditized landscapes. The deployment of both disciplinary and governmental forms of power supplement each other in the ongoing process of building neighborhood citizens that actively shape circuits of global capitalist investment in cities through the imaginary of neighborhood community.
机译:城市空间生产中的一项关键性创新是由房主协会(HOA)监督的私人管理社区的兴起。每五分之一的美国家庭居住在一个HOA街区,该街区受到条件,契约和限制的管制,这些限制,条件和限制相当于所谓的城市政治“安静革命”。它们在城市之间的扩散值得关注,因为它们标志着国家与公民社会关系的转变,非国家实体在塑造公民地位方面越来越重要。 HOA被国家授予广泛权力,并通过产生邻里空间的法规对房主的日常生活体验产生深远影响。本文研究了HOA部署的不同治理模式,以塑造房主参与产生某种院子美感(即草坪)的参与。尽管草坪是美国主要的文化景观,但我们发现,私营社区的房主报告说,他们对生产郁郁葱葱,绿色,修剪整齐的草坪以及在院子里施肥的意愿要高于非私营家庭。社区。尽管HOA通过直接调节房主的空间习惯来行使权力,但它们还通过提供与审美化和商品化景观的产生有关的位置感和归属感的可能性来间接地进行治理。在建设社区居民的过程中,纪律和政府权力的部署是相辅相成的,这些社区居民通过邻里社区的想象积极地塑造了全球资本主义对城市投资的循环。



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