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Appellate Court Backs EPA's Non-Hazardous Secondary Materials Rule


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The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit has rejected challenges by environmentalists and industry petitioners to EPA's non-hazardous secondary materials (NHSM) rule, effectively allowing the rule to stand. The court issued a four-page per curiam judgment June 3 in Eco Services Operations LLC v. EPA, following oral arguments that were held May 11, where the three-judge panel strongly questioned both industry and environmental groups' positions. The unpublished opinion is available on InsideEPA.com. See page 2 for details. (Doc. ID: 181920) Private-practice waste law attorneys say it is highly unusual for a circuit court to issue such a short unpublished opinion in a case with such complicated arguments being made on the merits.
机译:美国哥伦比亚特区巡回上诉法院拒绝了环保主义者和行业请愿人对EPA的非危险次要材料(NHSM)规定的质疑,从而有效地维持了该规定。在5月11日举行的口头辩论之后,法院在6月3日针对Eco Services Operations LLC诉EPA的每项民事判决作出了长达四页的判决,其中三名法官组成的小组强烈质疑工业和环保组织的立场。未发表的意见可在InsideEPA.com上找到。有关详细信息,请参见第2页。 (文件编号:181920)私人执业浪费法律师说,巡回法庭在案件中就案情提出如此复杂的论点时,发表如此简短的未发表意见非常罕见。



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