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Six States Appeal Settlement Pact Ordering EPA To Issue SO2 Designations


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A group of six states led by North Dakota is appealing to an appellate court an EPA settlement agreement with environmental groups requiring the agency to make long-overdue designations by 2020 on which areas are attaining or exceeding the agency's sulfur dioxide (SO2) air quality standard. EPA has only designated 29 areas in 16 states as either in attainment or nonattainment for the SO2 national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS). This delay prompted advocates and some states to sue, charging that the agency missed a 2012 deadline for the remaining designations. The settlement, entered March 2 .by the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, creates a three-stage process for finalizing the remaining designations, with deadlines ranging from July 2016 through December 2020. But the group of states - North Dakota, Arizona, Kentucky, Nevada, Louisiana and Texas - filed an April 30 notice appealing the settlement to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit.See page 2 for details. (Doc. ID: 181082) The notice of appeal does not elaborate on the reasons why the states seek to overturn the deadline pact. But a successful appeal could potentially benefit the states by requiring quick designations in areas that do not have sufficient monitoring networks to show nonattainment with the SO2 standard, placing them into "unclassifiable" status that would avoid a "nonattainment" designation.
机译:由北达科他州领导的六个州的一个团体正在向上诉法院上诉,要求其与环保组织达成EPA和解协议,要求该机构在2020年之前做出逾期未决的指定,在该地区达到或超过该机构的二氧化硫(SO2)空气质量标准。 EPA仅在16个州中指定了达到或未达到SO2国家环境空气质量标准(NAAQS)的29个区域。这种延误促使提倡者和一些州提起诉讼,指控该机构错过了其余指定的2012年截止日期。该和解协议于3月2日由美国加利福尼亚北区地方法院提出,创建了一个三阶段的流程来最终确定剩余的名称,截止日期为2016年7月至2020年12月。但是,北达科他州,亚利桑那州,肯塔基州,内华达州,路易斯安那州和德克萨斯州-于4月30日提交通知,向第9巡回上诉法院提起了和解。详情请参见第2页。 (文档ID:181082)上诉通知中并未详细说明各州试图推翻最后期限协议的原因。但是,成功的上诉可能会要求在没有足够监控网络以显示未达到SO2标准的地区进行快速指定,从而使各州受益,从而将它们置于“不可分类”状态,从而避免使用“未达到”指定。



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