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Ellerbe Becket Sues over 'Raid' That Led Five Principals To Join HOK

机译:Ellerbe Becket起诉“突袭”,导致五名校长加入HOK

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Ellerbe Becket says the defection of five key principals from its Kansas City sports architecture office to rival HOK Group Inc. violated agreements the company had with its staff and with HOK, according to a lawsuit filed last week in state court. Based in Minneapolis, Ellerbe Becket maintains a sports design office in Kansas City, as do HOK and other firms. Defections have been common over the years but none involved five principals. The two firms are working as members of a team designing a new arena in Kansas City, and that feet is crucial to what occurred between the firms.
机译:上周在州法院提起的诉讼显示,埃勒勒·贝克特(Ellerbe Becket)说,将其堪萨斯城体育建筑办公室的五个主要负责人背叛给竞争对手HOK Group Inc.违反了该公司与其员工和HOK达成的协议。 Ellerbe Becket和HOK和其他公司一样,都位于明尼阿波利斯,在堪萨斯城设有体育设计办公室。这些年来,叛​​逃是很常见的,但是没有一个涉及五个负责人。两家公司正在作为一个团队的成员,在堪萨斯城设计一个新的竞技场,而脚对两家公司之间发生的事情至关重要。



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