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Twitter sentiments related to natural calamities:Analysing tweets related to the Jammu and Kashmir floods of 2014


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Purpose - The study aims to showcase public sentiments via social media, Twitter, during 2014 floods of Jammu and Kashmir, India. Design/methodology/approach - The study is based on content analysis of tweets related to Kashmir floods. Search was performed with "#kashmirfloods" and was confined to tweets posted from 4 September 2014 through 3 November 2014. A naturalistic approach was applied to examine the content and classify tweets into 5 major and 25 sub categories. Data as such collected were tabulated in SPSS 21 for analysis. Findings - During the study period, individuals, news channels, and organisations posted a total of 36,697 tweets related to Kashmir floods. It all started with an outburst of tweets which goes on declining (exponentially) with every passing day. People express themselves in a number of ways with informational tweets used more during the time of disaster. Individuals expressing their sentiments outscore other types of sentiments with text-based tweets ranking high. About 44 per cent of tweets were retweeted, and nearly 31 per cent tweets were marked favourite. Comparatively, more number of informational and help tweets were retweeted or marked favourite. Contextual richness of tweet (i.e. number of embedded expressions) enhances its visibility by means of getting liked and/or retweeted. A statistically significant positive association is observed between the number of expressions in a tweet and the number of times it is liked (favourite) or retweeted. Research limitations/implications - Twitter plays a pivotal role during natural calamities like Kashmir floods to connect people in the hour of need and help. It provides a platform where the plight of people is heard across the globe and which encourages people to unite and overcome hurdles together. Originality/value - This study examines the sentiments of people expressed during Jammu and Kashmir (India) Floods 2014 on social media - Twitter.
机译:目的-该研究旨在在2014年印度查mu和克什米尔洪水期间,通过社交媒体,Twitter展示公众舆论。设计/方法/方法-该研究基于与克什米尔洪水有关的推文的内容分析。搜索使用“ #kashmirfloods”进行,仅限于2014年9月4日至2014年11月3日发布的推文。采用自然主义的方法来检查推文的内容并将推文分为5个主要类别和25个子类别。这样收集的数据在SPSS 21中制成表格进行分析。调查结果-在研究期间,个人,新闻频道和组织共发布了与克什米尔洪水有关的36,697条推文。这一切都始于推文的爆发,并随着日新月异的下降(呈指数下降)。人们以多种方式表达自己的观点,而在灾难发生时,信息性推文的使用就更多了。表达自己情绪的个人比其他类型的情绪高,基于文本的推文排名很高。约有44%的推文被转发,近31%的推文被标记为收藏。相比较而言,更多的信息性和帮助性推文被转发或标记为收藏。通过获得喜欢和/或转发,推文的上下文丰富度(即,嵌入表达的数量)可以提高其可见性。在一条推文中的表达数量与被喜欢(收藏)或转推的次数之间观察到统计学上显着的正相关。研究的局限性/含义-Twitter在诸如克什米尔洪水之类的自然灾害期间发挥着举足轻重的作用,以在需要和帮助的时刻联系人们。它提供了一个平台,可以在全世界听到人们的困境,并鼓励人们团结和克服障碍。原创性/价值-这项研究调查了2014年查mu和克什米尔(印度)洪水在社交媒体-Twitter上表达的人们的情感。



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