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Evaluating a web based intelligent tutoring system for mathematics at German lower secondary schools


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The present study researches the implementation of a web based intelligent tutoring system for mathematics at lower secondary schools. In recent years, there is growing concern about the worrying situation at German lower secondary schools. Data from large scale educational assessments in the county of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) show that children at lower secondary schools have an embarrassing paucity of basic mathematical skills (Leutner et al., Lernstandserhebungen 9. Klasse 2004 in NRW: Erster Kurzbericht zur wissenschaftlichen Begleitung, 2004). In order to improve these basic mathematical skills in lower secondary school children, several schools implemented the web based intelligent tutoring system eFit. The aim of the present research was to investigate whether eFit constitutes an effective intervention of this target group. The results show that compared to a non-treatment control group, children in the eFit group significantly improved their arithmetic performance over a period of 9 months. As will be discussed, the findings have to be treated with cautions because eFit was specifically designed to alleviate mathematical difficulties and therefore "trained for the test" whereas traditional mathematics instruction followed the regular curriculum. The implications of this will be considered in the light of existing theory and research.
机译:本研究研究了基于网络的高中数学智能辅导系统的实现。近年来,人们越来越担心德国初中的状况令人担忧。来自北莱茵-威斯特法伦州(NRW)县的大规模教育评估数据显示,初中的孩子缺乏基本的数学技能(Leutner等人,Lernstandserhebungen 9. NW的Klasse 2004:Erster Kurzbericht zur wissenschaftlichen Begleitung,2004年)。为了提高初中儿童的这些基本数学技能,几所学校实施了基于网络的智能辅导系统eFit。本研究的目的是调查eFit是否构成该目标人群的有效干预措施。结果显示,与未治疗的对照组相比,eFit组的孩子在9个月的时间内显着提高了算术性能。正如将要讨论的那样,必须谨慎对待这些发现,因为eFit是专门为减轻数学困难而设计的,因此“受过训练”,而传统的数学教学则遵循常规课程。将根据现有的理论和研究来考虑其含义。



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