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Adaptive hypermedia instructional system (AHIS): A model




AHIS Instruction=( ) AHIS equation describes a new model for insfructional system design and develops a system based on Merrill's Component Display Theory incorporating appropriate selection of Media, Ergonomics and Navigation Structures to produce learner engaging and effective learning outcome. A significant component of the proposed model is the integration of principles of Ergonomics having Graphic Aesthetic as one of the constituent. Graphic Aesthetic decides Unity, Proportion, Balance, Sequence, and Cohesion for interface design. Next component is selection of suitable Media as per the categorized learning content. Merrill Component Display Theory has been utilized to categorized learning content. Research shows that media effects are significant in teaching learning process. Third significant component of the model is selection of Navigation structures. Navigation structures decide learner concentration level (learner engagement), restrict them from getting disoriented in hyperspace and finally direct them to their learning objectives. Research in the field of Navigation structures reveals that it's potential for accelerating learning, when employed with well designed interfaces. Hence, time demands development of instructional model which identifies categorized learning content(p_j), principles of Ergonomics for Interface Design(e_j), Media selection criteria (m_j) and selection of appropriate Navigation structures(n_j) and improved learner engagement by calculating learner's prior knowledge level based on learner known concepts(kcs_(known)), familiar concepts (kcs_(familiar)) and new concepts(kcs_(new)).
机译:AHIS指令=()AHIS方程描述了用于创新系统设计的新模型,并基于Merrill的组件展示理论开发了一个系统,该系统结合了适当的媒体,人机工程学和导航结构选择,以产生学习者参与和有效的学习成果。所提出模型的重要组成部分是人体工程学原理的整合,其中图形美学是其中的组成部分。图形美学决定了界面设计的统一性,比例,平衡性,顺序和凝聚力。接下来的部分是根据分类的学习内容选择合适的媒体。 Merrill组件显示理论已被用来对学习内容进行分类。研究表明,媒体效应在教学学习过程中具有重要意义。该模型的第三个重要组成部分是导航结构的选择。导航结构决定学习者的注意力水平(学习者参与度),限制他们在超空间中迷失方向,并最终将他们定向到他们的学习目标。导航结构领域的研究表明,与精心设计的界面配合使用时,它有可能加速学习。因此,时间要求开发教学模型,以识别分类的学习内容(p_j),界面设计的人机工程学原理(e_j),媒体选择标准(m_j)和选择合适的导航结构(n_j),并通过计算学习者的先验知识来提高学习者的参与度基于学习者已知概念(kcs_(known)),熟悉的概念(kcs_(familiar)和新概念(kcs_(new))的知识水平。



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