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Supersize That Hard Drive!


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Last summer, I turned 50. We Baby Boomers are intent on making fashionable whatever life stage we're going through, so I expect that tri-focals and colonoscopy pictures will soon be all the rage. I already have become accustomed to regular dates with my audiologist, dermatologist, and radiologist. As we are often reminded, getting old isn't for sissies. One thing that I can't get treated via routine medical maintenance is the inevitable memory loss that comes with having 50 years of things to remember. I wonder why precious brain cells occupy themselves storing the words to campfire songs while I can't seem to remember the name of my neighbor's dog. Wouldn't it be nice to just run a de-frag on the brain and get all those random bits cleaned out? Of course, we run into a similar problem with all the information we have stored on our various external brains— laptop, PDA, cell phone, iPod, and so on. I haven't had to memorize a phone number in years; I just pop it in the cell phone memory and pray that I never lose the phone.



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