首页> 外文期刊>Economic modelling >The different impacts of home countries characteristics in FDI on Chinese spillover effects: Based on one-stage SFA

The different impacts of home countries characteristics in FDI on Chinese spillover effects: Based on one-stage SFA


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To study the spillover effects of FDI from different home countries on technical efficiency of China's enterprises, inter-provincial panel data of China from 1998 to 2012 are used as samples in this paper, and with capital, labor and CO_2 as inputs, one-stage SFA method is applied to carry out empirical analysis. The results conclude: (1) FDI can bring significant technology spillover effects for our country, but due to great differences in FDI source countries and in various regions of China, the spillover effects of FDI from South Korea and Singapore and FDI from other countries are greater than those of FDI from G7 and FDI from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and the spillover effects in the Eastern China surpass those in the Western China. (2) The proper marketization degree and human capital level can not only directly promote China's technical efficiency, but also can indirectly promote China's technical efficiency through increasing spillover effects of FDI. (3) In analysis of the threshold effects. FDI from G7 needs the highest threshold values of marketization degree and human capital level, while FDI from South Korea can maximize the improvement of technology spillover effects with the lowest threshold values of marketization degree and human capital level. The findings indicate that provinces of China shall attract foreign investment in gradient method according to local circumstances, in other words, avoid introducing low-quality foreign investment and blindly admiring high-quality foreign investment to ensure smooth and transcending impetus in technical efficiency of domestic enterprises. Meanwhile, efforts have yet to be made to improve marketization degree and human capital level for higher technical efficiency directly and mediately.
机译:为了研究来自不同国家的外国直接投资对中国企业技术效率的溢出效应,本文以1998年至2012年中国跨省面板数据为样本,以资本,劳动力和CO_2为输入,进行了一个阶段的分析。应用SFA方法进行实证分析。结果得出以下结论:(1)外商直接投资可以给我国带来重大的技术外溢效应,但是由于外商直接投资来源国和中国不同地区存在巨大差异,韩国和新加坡的外商直接投资以及其他国家的外商直接投资的外溢效应是七国集团的外国直接投资和香港,澳门和台湾的外国直接投资的影响更大,而东部地区的溢出效应超过了西部地区。 (2)适当的市场化程度和人力资本水平不仅可以直接提高中国的技术效率,而且可以通过增加FDI的溢出效应来间接提高中国的技术效率。 (3)在阈值效应分析中。七国集团的外国直接投资需要市场化程度和人力资本水平的最高阈值,而韩国的外国直接投资可以以最低的市场化程度和人力资本水平的阈值最大程度地提高技术溢出效应。研究结果表明,中国各省应根据当地情况以梯度法吸引外资,即避免引入低质量的外资,盲目欣赏高质量的外国投资,以确保国内企业技术效率的平稳超越。 。同时,还需要努力提高市场化程度和人力资本水平,以直接和间接地提高技术效率。



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