首页> 外文期刊>Dialectical Anthropology >Risky subjects: narrative, literary testimonio and legal testimony

Risky subjects: narrative, literary testimonio and legal testimony


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This article compares the textual production of legal testimony with that of literary testimonio. Using the controversy sparked by David Stoll’s exposé of Rigoberta Menchú’s less than “factual” account of her life lived amidst the genocide of indigenous peoples in Guatemala, the analysis asks why Menchú should be indicted or acquitted based on cultural notions of legal testimony. I use the concept of language ideologies to explore how listeners hold narrators to standards of truth. By suggesting that there are interpretive ideologies of narrative production and function at work, the argument is made that any detractor can find a way to discredit narrative truth. I show this by examining how Latina women and state actors create legal testimony about domestic abuse. While these narratives share much with the Menchú testimonio, in particular the risks they present to their narrators, I conclude that the everyday victim in the U.S. adversarial system has much more to lose, and inevitably has far less discursive power, than Menchú. I examine these topics and themes from sociolinguistic and discourse analytic perspectives.
机译:本文将法律证言的文本产生与文学证言的文本产生进行了比较。大卫·斯托尔(David Stoll)揭露RigobertaMenchú对生活的“事实”描述不足而引发的争议是在危地马拉的原住民种族灭绝中生活的,该分析提出了为什么应当根据法律证词的文化观念对Menchú提出起诉或无罪释放。我使用语言意识形态的概念来探讨听众如何使叙述者遵循真理标准。通过暗示在工作中存在叙事性生产和功能的解释意识形态,人们提出了一个论点,即任何批评者都可以找到一种抹煞叙事真相的方法。我通过研究拉美裔妇女和国家行为者如何建立有关家庭虐待的法律证词来证明这一点。尽管这些叙述与孟丘的证言有很多共同之处,尤其是它们给叙述者带来的风险,但我得出的结论是,与孟丘相比,美国对抗体系中的日常受害者要损失得多,而且不可避免地要具有更少的话语权。我从社会语言学和话语分析的角度研究了这些主题和主题。



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