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Holocaust Impiety in 21st Century Graphic Novels: Younger Generations ‘No Longer Obliged to Perpetuate Sorrow’




At a time where so few survivors remain alive and the extermination of European Jews is leaving the field of direct human experience, the evolving collective memory of the event is reflected in popular culture. There has recently been a rise in the number of graphic novels written on the subject of the Shoah, particularly in France, Germany, and North America. These works, written by second or even third-generation survivors nearly 80 years after the genocide, approach the event from perspectives that not only further Art Spiegelman’s path in that they challenge the so-called limits of Holocaust representations, but also open up new discussions on transgenerational trauma. Focusing on two graphic novels, Michel Kichka’s Deuxième génération: Ce que je n’ai pas dit à mon père (2012) and Jérémie Dres’ Nous n’irons pas à Auschwitz (2011), my aim here is to examine the new aspects of trauma that these texts present, more specifically the reluctance to deal with one’s past, the struggle to bear the weight of the ‘sacred’ memory of Auschwitz, and in some cases the lack of interest of the youth in the Shoah. Both these autobiographical texts narrate the story of men who end up making the conscious decision never to go to Auschwitz after finding out about their ancestors’ history, asserting their desire to not solely be defined by their family tragedy. These issues, which fit in with what Matthew Boswell and Joost Krijnen define as ‘Holocaust impiety’, mark a break with graphic novels from the 1970s and 1980s which, as Gillian Rose writes, ‘mystified’ the event as ‘something we dare not understand’.
机译:在这么少的幸存者仍然活着的时候,欧洲犹太人的灭绝正在离开直接人类经验领域,事件的不断发展的集体记忆被反映在流行文化中。最近在Shoah主题上写的图形小说数量升高,特别是在法国,德国和北美。这些作品,在种族灭绝后的第二代甚至是第三代幸存者近80年来,从观点接近事件,这不仅是艺术Spiegelman的路径,因为他们挑战了大屠杀陈述的所谓极限,而且还开辟了新的讨论关于转基因创伤。专注于两个图形小说,Michel Kichka的DeuxièmeGénirration:CE Que Je N'ai PasDitàMonpère(2012)和JérémieDres'nousn'ironspasàauschwitz(2011),我的目标是检查新的方面这些文本存在的创伤,更具体地说,不愿意处理一个人的过去,斗争的斗争的重量,在某些情况下,在某些情况下缺乏青年的兴趣。这些自传文本都叙述了最终使得有意识决定的人的故事永远在找出他们的祖先的历史之后永远去Auschwitz,这让他们不仅仅是由他们的家庭悲剧所定义的愿望。这些问题,它适合Matthew Boswell和Joost Krijnen定义为“大屠杀意识”,标志着20世纪70年代和20世纪80年代的图形小说,因为吉丽安玫瑰写道,“Mystified”作为'我们不明白的事情的事件'。



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