首页> 外文期刊>Genealogy >Intentional Kinship through Caring Relationships, Heritage, and Identity: Adoptive Parents’ Inclusion of Non-Biological and Non-Affinal Relationships on Family Maps

Intentional Kinship through Caring Relationships, Heritage, and Identity: Adoptive Parents’ Inclusion of Non-Biological and Non-Affinal Relationships on Family Maps




Structural open adoption has been beneficial to adoptees in integrating their birth heritage and identity. Adoptive parents also may sometimes seek out others who are neither related biologically nor through partnership to support their child in developing an integrated sense of identity. To what extent do these intentional kinship relationships become incorporated within the adoptive family network and how do adoptive parents view their role in their child’s life? Qualitative data on family inclusion of non-biological and non-affinal kin are reported from interviews with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and heterosexual adoptive parents (n = 25 families). Analyses of verbal and visual data from family map drawing interviews indicated that adoptive parents from the different types of families similarly included intentional kin in their conceptualization of their child’s family. Adopted children’s foster carers, family friends, other adoptive families, and other children and adults were specifically included on family maps to facilitate children’s knowledge of different aspects of their birth heritage and adoption story. The implications of open adoption policy therefore move beyond considerations of only birth family contact. In practice, open adoption procedures convey a broad message to families that appear to widen adoptive parents’ conceptualization of kinship.
机译:结构开放的采用对整合其出生遗产和身份的采用有益。收养父母有时也可能会寻求其他既不相关的生物学上也不通过伙伴关系,以支持他们的孩子发展综合身份感。这些有意的亲属关系在多大程度上纳入了养护的家庭网络中,养护父母如何在孩子的生命中观察他们的角色?报告了与女同性恋,同性恋,双性恋和异性恋养父母(N = 25个家庭)的访谈中的关于家庭列入非生物和非沟道宾馆的定性数据。来自家庭地图绘制访谈的口头和视觉数据的分析表明,来自不同类型的家庭的养护父母同样包括他们孩子家庭的概念化中的有意的亲属。采用儿童寄养护理人员,家庭朋友,其他养护家庭和其他儿童和成人被特别包括在家庭地图上,促进儿童对其出生遗产和采用故事的不同方面的了解。因此,开放采用政策的影响超出了仅考虑出生家庭联系的考虑因素。在实践中,开放式采用程序向似乎扩大父母概念化的家庭传达了广泛的信息。



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