首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Statistics and Probability >On Some Mixture Models for Over-dispersed Binary Data

On Some Mixture Models for Over-dispersed Binary Data




In this paper, we consider several binomial mixture models for fitting over-dispersed binary data. The models range from the binomial itself, to the beta-binomial (BB), the Kumaraswamy distributions I and II (KPI KPII) as well as the McDonald generalized beta-binomial mixed model (McGBB). The models are applied to five data sets that have received attention in various literature. Because of convergence issues, several optimization methods ranging from the Newton-Raphson to the quasi-Newton optimization algorithms were employed with SAS PROC NLMIXED using the Adaptive Gaussian Quadrature as the integral approximation method within PROC NLMIXED. Our results differ from those presented in Li, Huang and Zhao (2011) for the example data sets in that paper but agree with those presented in Manoj, Wijekoon and Yapa (2013). We also applied these models to the case where we have a $k$ vector of covariates $(x_1, x_2, ldots, x_k)^{'}$. Our results here suggest that the McGBB performs better than the other models in the GLM framework. All computations in this paper employed PROC NLMIXED in SAS. We present in the appendix a sample of the SAS program employed for implementing the McGBB model for one of the examples.
机译:在本文中,我们考虑了几种用于拟合过分分散的二进制数据的二项式混合模型。模型范围从二项式本身到β-二项式(BB),Kumaraswamy分布I和II(KPI KPII)以及麦当劳广泛化β-二项式混合模型(MCGBB)。该模型应用于在各种文献中受到关注的五个数据集。由于融合问题,使用自适应高斯正交的SAS proc nlmixed作为Proc Nlmixed内的积分逼近方法,使用从牛顿-Raphson到准牛顿优化算法中的几种优化方法。我们的结果与李,黄和赵(2011)呈现的结果不同,但该论文中的示例数据集,但同意在Manoj,Wijekoon和Yapa(2013)中提出的那些。我们还将这些模型应用于我们拥有$ k $载体的Covariates $(X_1,X_2, LDOTS,X_K)^ {'} $。我们的结果表明,MCGBB比GLM框架中的其他模型更好地执行。本文中的所有计算都采用了SAS中的PROC NLMIXED。我们在附录中展示了用于实现MCGBB模型的SAS程序的样本。



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