首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Infectious Diseases >Comparative Performance of Different Malaria Diagnostic Tools among Pregnant Cohorts in Onitsha Southeast Nigeria

Comparative Performance of Different Malaria Diagnostic Tools among Pregnant Cohorts in Onitsha Southeast Nigeria




Background of Study: The reliability of microscopic techniques has become questionable in most endemic regions in Africa leading to its decreased utilization and increased utilization of RDT kits and other laboratory-based methods. Objective: To evaluate the performance of Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) kits and nest Polymerase Chain Reaction (nPCR) methods in detecting malaria infections among pregnant women visiting private hospitals in Onitsha district area of Anambra State, South-Eastern Nigeria. Methods: A total of 100 blood samples of pregnant women submitted to medical laboratory units of private maternal hospitals for malaria diagnosis in Onitsha district area were randomly selected for this study. Diagnosis was through microscopy, RDT kit (SD Bioline Pf-only test) and nPCR. Results: Pregnant cohorts had 95, 90 and 12 positive samples confirmed through microscopy RDT and nPCR respectively. RDT had a sensitivity and specificity of 89.47% and 0% while nPCR recorded sensitivity and specificity of 12.63% and 100% respectively. RDT and nPCR have a positive predictive value (PPV) of 94.44% of 100% respectively. Conclusion: This study revealed that nPCR is more efficient and reliable when compared with RDT in the diagnosis of malaria infection, having recorded the highest value for positive predictive value (PPV) and specificity than the RDT among pregnant women.
机译:研究背景:微观技术的可靠性在非洲的大多数地方区域都有可疑的,导致其利用率下降和利用RDT套件和其他基于实验室的方法。目的:评价快速诊断试验(RDT)试剂盒和巢聚合酶链反应(NPCR)方法检测尼日利亚省安阿马布拉州南区私立医院患有私人医院疟疾感染的疟疾感染。方法:在本研究中随机选择,共提交给私人孕产妇医院的孕妇孕产学妇女孕妇单位的100种血液样本。诊断通过显微镜,RDT试剂盒(仅SD Bioline PF-Test)和NPCR。结果:妊娠队列分别通过显微镜RDT和NPCR确认95,90和12个阳性样品。 RDT的敏感性和特异性为89.47%和0%,而NPCR记录了12.63%和100%的敏感性和特异性。 RDT和NPCR分别具有94.44%的阳性预测值(PPV)分别为100%。结论:该研究表明,与疟疾感染的诊断中的RDT相比,NPCR更有效可靠,记录了阳性预测值(PPV)和特异性的最高值,而不是孕妇中的RDT。



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