首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications >A Survey between Wi-Fi and Li-Fi Technologies in optimization the Network Access

A Survey between Wi-Fi and Li-Fi Technologies in optimization the Network Access




In the current investigation, we will make a compression between the WI-FI and LI-FI innovations, in which we will decide the favorable circumstances and burdens of these advancements when they are executed. We will utilize a similar strategy where we will dissect qualities, for example, the transmission technique, the speed and the sign scope of the two innovations. As per how the exploration between these two remote innovations pro-gresses, we will have the option to figure out which of these gives the best administrations as far as transmission and security. Toward the finish of the examination we can show which of these advances is the perfect to use in improving the network access. We infer that the two advancements can offer us a decent web access, be that as it may, LI-FI innovation is the most advantageous choice to execute in light of the fact that it gives us incredible speed and security in the transmission of data contrasted with the utilization of WI-FI innovation which gives speed and lower security..



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