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Evolution in the world of ecotourism: a systematic review of the literature on current knowledge




Ecotourism is the appropriate activity for carrying out tourism in protected places, as it is concerned with environmental conservation, contributing to the development of local communities. The potential for ecotourism is significant due to national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, conservation reserves and community reserves, many of which include animal reserves. Therefore, this study aims to conduct a systematic review of the literature on high impact research on the evolution and trends related to ecotourism in the world context to understand the various perspectives through critical analysis, identifying gaps for future research and investigating trends in this body of literature. To that end, filters were applied to the gross portfolio to identify the most relevant studies in the area. The VOSviewer software was used, for reference management topics and researchers. The results show the main developments and trends in the referred body of literature, possible Ecotourism nexus, as well as the main journal conducting studies on the topic and what their results draw on. Yet, it can be seen the main countries housing high impact studies (JCR 2019) on the approached themes and their locations. Furthermore, this study gives an overview on the ecotourism and sheds light on possibilities for future research. Future opportunities for ecotourism should be drawn in terms of protected areas.
机译:生态旅游是在受保护场所进行旅游的适当活动,因为它关注环境保护,促进当地社区的发展。由于国家公园,野生动物保护区,保护储备和社区储备,生态旅游的潜力是重要的,其中许多包括动物储备。因此,本研究旨在对世界环境中的生态旅游有关的进化和趋势的高影响力研究进行系统审查,以了解通过批判性分析,识别未来的研究和调查这一体内趋势的差距文学。为此,将过滤器应用于总投资组合,以确定该地区最相关的研究。使用VosViewer软件,用于参考管理主题和研究人员。结果表明,文学的引用体,可能的生态旅游Nexus的主要发展和趋势,以及主期报对主题进行研究以及他们的结果绘制。然而,可以看出,在接近的主题及其地点,可以看到住房高影响力研究的主要国家(JCR 2019)。此外,本研究概述了生态旅游,并阐明了未来研究的可能性。应在受保护区绘制生态旅游的未来机会。



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