首页> 外文期刊>Bulgarian journal of veterinary medicine. >Panayotova-Pencheva, M. S., B. Vichova, V. I. Dakova & D. S. Salkova, 2021. Ticks and associated tick-borne pathogens from dogs and red foxes from Bulgaria. Bulg. J. Vet. Med., 24, No 4, 608-613

Panayotova-Pencheva, M. S., B. Vichova, V. I. Dakova & D. S. Salkova, 2021. Ticks and associated tick-borne pathogens from dogs and red foxes from Bulgaria. Bulg. J. Vet. Med., 24, No 4, 608-613

机译:Panayotova-Pencheva,M. S.,B.Vichova,V.I. Dakova& D. S. Salkova,2021.来自保加利亚的狗和红狐狸的蜱和相关的蜱虫病原体。 灯泡。 J. Vet。 Med。,24,否4,608-613



Climate changes in recent years led to a sharp rise in the tick population and an increase in the number of animals and people with tick-borne infections. The domestic and wild carnivores, especially the dogs, have a huge role for the distribution of ticks in certain areas. In this study 60 ixodid ticks collected from domestic dogs and red foxes from Bulgaria have been investigated for infection with Ehrlichia canis, Hepatozoon canis, Babesia spp., and Rickettsia spp. The results showed that the dogs were infected with two tick species - Rhipicephalus sanguineus (72%) and Ixodes ricinus (28%). The red foxes were infected with only one species - I. ricinus. Out of all R. sanguineus ticks, 43.6% were female and 56.4% male. The opposite was observed for I. ricinus - female specimens (86.7%) were significantly more prevalent than males (13.3%). Similar trend was found out for I. ricinus collected from red foxes - 66.7% of the ticks were female and 33.3% male. Infectious agents were found in 31.7% of the investigated ticks. Ehrlichia spp. was established in 79% and Rickettsia spp. in 21% of the infected ticks. Ehrlichia spp. was found only in ticks collected from dogs. The majority of the ticks infected with Ehrlichia spp. were Rh. sanguineus (93.3%) and only one tick was I. ricinus (6.7%). Four ticks were positive for Rickettsia spp., two were Rh. sanguineus and two - I. ricinus, one of the latter was found on a fox. This is the first report about detection of Ehrlichia spp. in Rh. sanguineus ticks from Bulgaria as well as Rickettsia spp. in I. ricinus ticks collected from red foxes from this country.
机译:近年来气候变化导致蜱虫剧烈崛起,增加了蜱传染的动物人数和人数。尤其是狗,国内和野生食肉动物,对某些地区的蜱分布具有巨大作用。在本研究中,研究了来自保加利亚的国内狗和红狐狸收集的60例Ixodid蜱虫被调查感染ehrlichia canis,epatozoon canis,babesia spp。和rickettsia spp。结果表明,狗感染了两种蜱型 - Rapicephalus sanguineus(72%)和Ixodes Ricinus(28%)。红狐狸只感染了一个物种 - I. Ricinus。除了R.的ranguineus蜱虫中,43.6%是女性和56.4%的男性。对于I. I​​.ICINUS - 女性标本(86.7%)观察到相反的比男性更普遍(13.3%)。从红狐狸收集的I.蓖麻毒素中的鼠标氏症是类似的趋势 - 女性和33.3%的男性。在31.7%的调查蜱中发现了传染病。 Ehrlichia spp。成立于79%和Rickettsia SPP。在21%的受感染的蜱虫中。 Ehrlichia spp。只发现从狗收集的蜱虫。大多数蜱被ehrlichia spp感染。是RH。 Sanguineus(93.3%),只有一个蜱是I. Ricinus(6.7%)。 rickettsia spp的四个蜱是阳性的。,两个是rh。 Sanguineus和两个 - I. Ricinus,其中一个在狐狸上发现了后者。这是关于检测EHRLICHIA SPP的第一个报告。在rh。 Sanguineus从保加利亚和Rickettsia SPP蜱虫。在I. Ricinus蜱虫从这个国家的红狐狸收集。



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