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Pinyin Is an Effective Proxy for Early Screening for Mandarin-Speaking Children at Risk of Reading Disorders




Reading disorders (RD) are common and complex neuropsychological conditions associated with decoding printed words and/or reading comprehension. Early identification of children at risk of RD is critical to allow timely interventions before mental suffering and reading impairment take place. Chinese is a unique medium for studying RD because of extra efforts required in reading acquisition of characters based on meaning rather than phonology. Pinyin, an alphabetic coding system mapping Mandarin sounds to characters, is important to develop oral language skills and a promising candidate for early screening for RD. In this pilot study, we used a cohort of 100 students (50 each in Grades 1 and 2) to derive novel profiles of applying Pinyin to identify early schoolers at risk of RD. Each student had comprehensive reading related measures in two consecutive years, including Pinyin reading and reading comprehension tested in the first and second year, respectively. We showed that Pinyin reading was mainly determined by phonological awareness, was well developed in Grade 1 and the top predictor of reading comprehension (explaining ~30% of variance, p 1.0e-05). Further, students who performed poorly in Pinyin reading [e.g. 1 standard deviation (SD) below the average, counting 14% in Grade 1 and 10% in Grade 2], tended to perform poorly in future reading comprehension tests, including all four individuals in Grade 1 (two out of three in Grade 2) who scored 1.5 SDs below the average. Pinyin is therefore an effective proxy for early screening for Mandarin-speaking children at risk of RD.
机译:阅读障碍(RD)是与解码印刷单词和/或阅读理解相关的常见和复杂的神经心理学条件。在精神痛苦和阅读障碍之前,允许及时干预措施,早期识别儿童是至关重要的。中国是学习RD的独特媒介,因为阅读基于意义而不是语音学读取字符所需的额外努力。拼音,一个字母编码系统映射普通话声音对角色来说,对开发口语技能和早期筛查的有希望的候选人来说是重要的。在这项试点研究中,我们使用了100名学生的队列(每年5分,2年级50分),以获得应用拼音的新颖曲线,以识别RD风险的早期学院。每个学生连续两年都有全面阅读相关措施,包括在第一年和第二年在第一年测试的拼音阅读和阅读理解。我们表明,拼音阅读主要由语音意识决定,在1年级和阅读理解的顶部预测因素中得到了很好的发展(解释〜30%的差异,P& 1.0e-05)。此外,在拼音阅读中表现不佳的学生[例如1标准偏差(SD)低于平均值,2级和2年级中的10%的14%,在未来的阅读理解测试中趋于表现不佳,包括1年级的所有四个人(2年级中的三分之二)谁在平均水平以下1.5个SDS。因此,拼音是早期筛查普通话的儿童的有效代理。



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