首页> 外文期刊>BMC Family Practice >Influence of organization and demographic characteristics of primary care practices on continuity of care: analysis of a retrospective cohort from 287 primary care practices covering about 6 million people in Catalonia

Influence of organization and demographic characteristics of primary care practices on continuity of care: analysis of a retrospective cohort from 287 primary care practices covering about 6 million people in Catalonia




There is evidence that an ongoing patient-physician relationship is associated with improved health outcomes and more efficient health systems. The main objective of this study is to describe the continuity of care in primary healthcare in Catalonia (Spain) and to analyze whether the organization of primary care practices (PCP) or their patients’ sociodemographic characteristics play a role in its continuity of care. Four indices were used to measure continuity of care: Usual Provider Index (UPC), Modified Modified Continuity Index (MMCI), Continuity of Care Index (COC), and Sequential Continuity Index (SECON). The study was conducted on 287 PCP of the Catalan Institute of Health (Institut Català de la Salut—ICS). Each continuity of care index was calculated at the patient level (3.2 million patients and 35.5 million visits) and then aggregated at the PCP level. We adjusted linear regression models for each continuity index studied, considering the result of the index as an independent variable and demographic and organizational characteristics of the PCP as explanatory variables. Pearson correlation tests were used to compare the four continuity of care indices. Indices’ results were: UPC: 70,5%; MMCI: 73%; COC: 53,7%; SECON: 60,5%. The continuity of care indices had the highest bivariate correlation with the percentage of appointments booked with an assigned health provider (VISUBA variable: the lower the value, the higher the visits without an assigned health provider, and thus an organization favoring immediate consultation). Its R2 ranged between 56 and 63%, depending on the index. The multivariate model which explained better the variability of continuity of care indices (from 49 to 56%) included the variables VISUBA and rurality with a direct relationship; while the variables primary care physician leave days and training practices showed an inverse relationship. Study results suggest that an organization of primary care favoring immediate consultation is related to a lower continuity of patient care.
机译:有证据表明,正在进行的患者 - 医师关系与改善的健康结果和更有效的卫生系统有关。本研究的主要目标是描述加泰罗尼亚(西班牙)的小学医疗保健的连续性,并分析初级保健惯例(PCP)或其患者的社会渗目特征在其连续性中发挥作用。四个指数用于测量护理的连续性:通常提供者指数(UPC),修改修改的连续性指数(MMCI),护理指数的连续性(COC)和顺序连续性索引(Secon)。该研究是在加泰罗尼亚卫生学院(InstitutCatalàdeAs-Ics)的287个PCP进行的。护理指数的每一个连续性都是在患者水平(320万名患者和3550万次访问)上计算,然后在PCP水平汇总。我们调整了研究的每个连续性指数的线性回归模型,考虑到索引作为PCP的独立变量和人口统计和组织特征作为解释性变量。 Pearson相关性测试用于比较护理指数的四个连续性。指数的结果是:UPC:70,5%; MMCI:73%; COC:53,7%; Secon:60,5%。 Care Indices的连续性具有与分配的健康提供者预订的约会百分比的相当性相关性(Visuba变量:值越低,没有指定的健康提供者的访问越高,因此有利于立即咨询的组织)。其R2在56和63%之间,取决于指数。多变量模型更好地解释了护理指数的连续性变化(从49到56%)包括Visuba和具有直接关系的rurity;虽然变量初级保健医生休假日和培训做法表现出反向关系。研究结果表明,初级护理的组织有利于即时咨询与患者护理的较低连续性有关。



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