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The Impact of a Mnemonic Acronym on Learning and Performing a Procedural Task and Its Resilience Toward Interruptions




The present study examines the potential impact of a mnemonic acronym on the learning, the execution, the resilience toward interruptions, and the mental representation of an eight-step procedural task with sequential constraints. 65 participants were required to learn a sequential task, including eight different steps which had to be carried out in a predefined sequence. 33 participants were provided with the acronym “WORTKLAU” as a mnemonic to support the learning and execution of the task and the other 32 participants had to learn and execute the task without such support. Each letter of the acronym coded one step of the task, involving a binary decision about a certain property of the complex stimulus. In 60 out of 72 trials of the task, participants were interrupted between different steps, and had to perform a 2-back interruption task for 6 or 30 s, after which they had to resume the procedural task as quickly as possible at the correct step. Learning times, performance in uninterrupted trials, and post-interruption performance measures were analyzed. Results of Experiment 1 suggest that the mnemonic acronym enhanced learning of the task sequence, and provide some evidence for a hierarchical mental representation of the task, resulting in faster resumption times at certain steps of the procedure after an interruption. In Experiment 2 the internal structure of the acronym was even emphasized by a hyphen at the borders of the two words included in the acronym (WORT-KLAU). This improved the resilience toward interruptions at the border step of the procedure significantly. Our results provide evidence for beneficial effects of mnemonic acronym particularly for the learning of a sequential procedural task. In addition, they suggest that the structure of mnemonic acronym directly impacts the mental representation of a task. Finally, they show that mnemonic acronyms could be used to improve the resilience toward detrimental effect of interruptions, at least at certain task steps of a procedural task.
机译:本研究探讨了助记符缩写的潜在影响,对学习,执行,对中断的弹性,以及与顺序限制的八步程序任务的心理表达。需要65名参与者来学习顺序任务,包括八个不同的步骤,该步骤必须以预定义的顺序进行。 33名与会者提供了首字母缩略词“Wortklau”作为助记符,支持任务的学习和执行,另外32名参与者必须在没有此类支持的情况下学习和执行任务。缩写的每个字母编码了一步的任务,涉及关于复杂刺激的一定属性的二进制决定。在72项任务中的60个中,参与者在不同的步骤之间中断,并且必须为6或30秒执行2后断任务,之后他们必须在正确的步骤中尽快恢复程序任务。学习时间,分析了不间断试验中的性能以及中断后性能措施。实验结果1表明,助记符缩写的缩写增强了任务序列的学习,并为任务的分层心理表达提供了一些证据,从而在中断后的某些步骤中的某些步骤恢复时间更快。在实验2中,缩略词的内部结构甚至通过缩写中包括的两种单词的边界处强调了缩略词的强调。这种改善了在程序的边境步骤中的中断的弹性。我们的结果为助记符首字母缩略词的有益效果提供了额外的效果,特别是用于学习连续程序任务的证据。此外,他们表明,助记符缩写的结构直接影响了任务的心理表现。最后,他们表明,至少在程序任务的某些任务步骤中至少可以使用助记性缩略语来改善中断的可利用效果的弹性。



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